Stella Sevastopoulos catches up with Athens-based artist Petr Shevchenko, who will be hosting an open studio event on February 8 entitled “Going Beyond”, with the support of Domus Art Gallery.
International Press
The Grand Opening of Marjan Fahimi at Domus Art Gallery at the Athenian Riviera
28 October 2023
Marjan Fahimi’s solo exhibition at Domus marks a renewed collaboration with the gallery presenting her ever-evolving creative process. The show describes a period of great personal and professional changes for the artist who has shifted from pure abstract forms to the integration of figurative.
Art Is Home - Exclusive Interview with Italian gallerist Glenda Lorenzani of Domus Art Gallery Athens
28 October 2023
Domus Art Gallery is the birthchild of Italian gallerist Glenda Lorenzani. She turned her home into a cosy gallery in 2014, deviating from the typical coldness and impersonal nature of such artistic venues. She welcomes all creatives and has hosted many artists since, mainly from Greece and Italy.
"Têtes et Bêtes" Colori, forme e suoni della ceramica per l’apertura della sede romana della Domus Art Gallery
7 Febbraio 2023
Abbiamo visto l’imperatore Costantino, con la sua corona ogivale tempestata di pietre dure, impegnato in un vis a vis con un pinguino imperatore. Abbiamo visto Lacapracanta, una piccola capra di terracotta invetriata che canta con una voce da ocarina, somiglia a una panca e, sotto, ha anche una piccola crepa. Era intenta a fissare la Sognante, un’altra grande testa di ceramica sormontata da…
Un parterre di fan dell’arte e del design per il progetto espositivo «Ombre di Luce»
5 Novembre 2022
Non ci sono dubbi sull’attitudine cinetica di Roma, sempre pronta a mettersi in movimento per raggiungere a gran velocità i luoghi della socialità. Nella fattispecie, l’altra sera, il magnete capace di attrarre con forza un parterre di fan dell’arte e del design era collocato all’ultimo piano del palazzo di via Tomacelli che ospita in modo permanente la Lanterna firmata da Massimiliano Fuksas.
Simone Lingua, riflessi d'arte sotto il cielo
5 Novembre 2022
Un’ossatura metallica a sostenere un “corpo” di superfici a specchio, teatro immersivo di più opere cinetiche. E di fatto, in un gioco di luci e riflessi, anche monumento al mondo dell’arte…
Χαιρετίσματα από την Αθήνα
3 June 2022
‘Όλοι έχουμε δει εκείνες τις vintage ελληνικές καρτ ποστάλ της Αθήνας, που κυκλοφορούν στα τουριστικά μαγαζιά, που έχουν μπει σε εκθέσεις ακόμα, και που πολλοί έχουν κρατήσει ως αναμνηστικά. Τι κρύβεται όμως κάτω από την επιφάνειά τους…
An Italian-Greek residency’s Athenian artistic explorations
3 June 2022
It’s not every day that you get to explore from an artistic perspective, a most tantalizing theme which has to do with Athens, both past and present. This city has lots of stories to tell, and everyone who has visited it, has their own one.
Postcards from Athens. Residenza d’artista, Domus Art Gallery di Atene
2 June 2022
GREETINGS FROM ATHENS, Il primo progetto di residenza d’artista della DOMUS ART GALLERY, ATHENS ideato e curato da Manuela De Leonardis.
Residenza Greetings from Athens
2 June 2022
Abbiamo tutti visto quelle cartoline greche d’epoca di Atene che sono circolate nei negozi di souvenir e che sono state incluse in mostre d’arte: in molti le hanno collezionate e conservate. Ma cosa cela la loro superficie?
‘Greetings From Athens’: a Cross-Cultural Art Project
27 May 2022
Three artists dig beyond the surface of Athens’ postcard image with a residency and exhibition at Domus Art Gallery.
Marco Manzo: The canvas of the human body
3 May 2022
DOMUS ART GALLERY proudly presents the exhibition ‘Marco Manzo’, comprising works of the acclaimed, pioneering tattoo artist and contemporary artist from Rome, Italy. The exhibition will be inaugurated on May 12…
Η τέχνη του τατουάζ αναδεικνύεται στα γλυπτικά έργα του Marco Manzo
29 April 2022
Ο Ιταλός καλλιτέχνης εγκαινιάζει μια εικαστική έκθεση στη Domus Art Gallery, στη Βάρη, παρουσιάζοντας γλυπτά με χαράξεις περίτεχνων σχεδίων, μία καλλιτεχνική πρωτοβουλία που ανασυνθέτει την τέχνη του τατουάζ.
«Marco Manzo»: Μια ιδιαίτερη έκθεση ενός tattoo artist στην Domus Art Gallery στη Βάρη
28 April 2022
Η Domus Art Gallery παρουσιάζει την έκθεση «Marco Manzo», που περιλαμβάνει γλυπτά έργα του καταξιωμένου σύγχρονου καλλιτέχνη του τατουάζ από τη Ρώμη. Η έκθεση θα εγκαινιαστεί στις 12 Μαΐου.
12 March 2022
«Κύματα Ύφανσης» είναι ο τίτλος της καινούργιας ομαδικής έκθεσης της Domus Art Gallery στην Αθήνα, που καλωσορίζει την δουλειά της Yuriko Damiani, της Florence Vacher, και της Tania Welz, για πρώτη φορά στην Ελλάδα…
«Κύματα Ύφανσης» είναι μία γυναικεία ιστορία
8 March 2022
Κύματα Ύφανσης» είναι ο τίτλος της καινούργιας ομαδικής έκθεσης της Domus Art Gallery στην Αθήνα, που καλωσορίζει την δουλειά της Yuriko Damiani, της Florence Vacher, και της Tania Welz, για πρώτη φορά στην Ελλάδα…
Weaving new meanings into traditional artforms
8 March 2022
THE WORK OF internationally-acclaimed artists Yuriko Damiani, Florence Vacher and Tania Welz, will be shown for the first time in Greece in an exhibition at Athens’ Domus Art Gallery, entitled ‘Waves of Weaving’…
“Waves of Weaving”: il group show della DOMUS ART GALLERY di Atene
5 March 2022
Si intitola “Waves of Weaving” il nuovo group show della DOMUS ART GALLERY di Atene che ospita i lavori di Yuriko Damiani, Florence Vacher e Tania Welz. La mostra andrà avanti dal 10 marzo al 10 aprile 2022…
Waves of Weaving, arriva la nuova mostra di Domus Art Gallery
28 February 2022
Si intitola “Waves of Weaving” il nuovo group show della Domus Art Gallery di Atene che ospita i lavori di Yuriko Damiani, Florence Vacher e Tania Welz. La mostra andrà avanti dal 10 marzo al 10 aprile 2022…
“Matter in motion”, Domus Art Gallery ospita la collettiva
14 December 2021
Si intitola “Matter in Motion” la nuova mostra collettiva ospitata da Domus Art Gallery, lo spazio culturale di Atene diretto dall’imprenditrice romana Glenda Lorenzani. “Matter in Motion“, curata dalla stessa Glenda Lorenzani, ospiterà fino al 9 febbraio 2022 le opere di Vittoria Panunzi, Petr Shevchenko, Nikos Mikroulis e Luisa Valeriani.
In focus: Glenda Lorenzani’s domus of art
6 December 2021
Italian gallerist Glenda Lorenzani moved to Athens from Rome in 2014. Despite the crisis, and the pandemic, she has managed to keep her eye on the art scene in her own unique manner, via her creation and running of the Domus Art Gallery.
Giusy Lauriola και Νατάσσα Καλώτη, Women Incolors
5 September 2019
Η Domus Art Gallery παρουσιάζει την έκθεση Women Incolors με τα έργα της Ιταλίδας Giusy Lauriola και της Ελληνο-Iρλανδέζας Νατάσσας Καλώτη.
A Night in the Domus Art Gallery
6 June 2019
ATHENS – A night at the museum is every night for art dealer and gallerist Glenda Lorenzani and her growing family, as her art gallery is their home – or to put it another way, their home is an art gallery.
Εκθέσεις Women Incolors
5 June 2019
Η Domus Art Gallery υποδέχεται στις 9 Μαΐου την έκθεσηWomen Incolors με τα έργα της Ιταλίδας Giusy Lauriola και της Ελληνο-Iρλανδέζας νατάσσας Καλώτη.
Modart Open House Project 2018 στη Domus Art Gallery
12 February 2018
Η συνύπαρξη της μόδας και της τέχνης σε ένα ανατρεπτικό project για τα ελληνικά δεδομένα, έρχεται για 3η χρονιά, στις 14 Φεβρουαρίου στην Domus Art Gallery!
3 March 2016
La galleria Domus Art Gallery organizza venerdì 18 marzo 2016 la bi-personale “Dreamland” dedicata a due artiste, l’iraniana Marjan Fahimi, a Roma dal 2004 e l’italiana Giusy Lauriola.
Ελληνοϊταλική εικαστική σύμπραξη στην Βούλα
27 May 2015
Πέντε νέοι Ιταλοί εικαστικοί καλλιτέχνες παρουσιάζουν στην «Domus Art Gallery» στη Βούλα τα έργα τους σε ισάριθμες μικρές ατομικές εκθέσεις. Η έκθεση εγκαινιάζεται την Πέμπτη 28 Μαΐου και θα διαρκέσεις έως τις 28 Σεπτεμβρίου.
A5 – Mauro Bellucci – Dino Ignani – Giusy Lauriola – Enrico Lorenzani – Mauro Molle
23 May 2015
Atene (Grecia) – Domus Art Gallery inaugura ad Atene giovedì 28 maggio la mostra collettiva dal titolo A5, acronimo per i 5 Artisti italiani che insieme espongono nella galleria ateniese: due fotografi Dino Ignani e Enrico Lorenzani e tre artisti visivi, Mauro Bellucci, Giusy Lauriola e Mauro Molle.
Butterfly Effect - Giusy Lauriola - Domus Art Gallery Athens
30 November 2014
Domus Art Gallery opens on Saturday December 6th, 2014 its activity dedicated to Italian contemporary art with the Roman artist Giusy Lauriola’s solo exhibition called “Butterfly Effect”.